Do you have any talent or knowledge about any stuff you know you can give out for just N1000 online?. 1kjobsonline is the best place to sell your service to those in need of it. You can sell any goods and services that worth buying for N100 at 1kjobsonline.
The goods or services is known as gigs which can be bought by any one that is interested in it. It could be an eBook, free browsing packages, web design, creating logo etc, just any cool stuffs you have knowledge about would earn you some money you never expected.
So if you are an undergraduate or a student and you are looking for ways to make money online in Nigeria, then 1kjobsonline is a cool site you should try.
See how it works
signup to 1kjobsonline and activate your sellers account to enable you sell your my previous post on how to activate 1kjobsonline sellers account.
After activating your account, click on the seller menu and choose create gig. Then fill the name of the products you want to sell in the first box, then add descriptions of the product in the second box. Add image of the product and click on the summit.
You would have to wait for some days for them to approve your gig. So in other to earn more from this site, make sure that you given out what people are looking for like cool software, eBooks, etc. That's all.
Always visit this site for latest update
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