1. Price- Can you offer a lower price? Can you offer a higher price and increase the perceived value of your product? Do you offer easier payment options than your competition? Your pricing really matters in competition. Let your price not drive them off, try and sell first at an affordable price, later you could increase gradually.
2. Packaging- Can you package your product more attractively? Do the colors of your package relate to your product? Can you package your product into a smaller or larger package? Your packaging patterns matters a lot in competition.
3. Delivery- Can you offering cheaper shipping? Do you have a high enough profit margin to offer free shipping? Can you ship your products faster? shipping your products in an easy way could encourage your high competition rate.
4. Benefits- Can you offer more benefits than your competition? Are your benefits stronger? Do you have believable proof that supports your claims? Are you making good profits in your matter of competition? Check your benefits and compare your staring to this time.
5. Quality- Is your product built and tested to last longer than your competition? Can you improve the overall quality of your product?
6. Performance- Can you make your product faster at solving your customers problem? Is your product easier to use than your competitions?
7. Features- Can you offer more product features than your competition? Do your features support the benefits you offer?
8. Availability- Is your product always available or do you have to back order it? Can your product suppliers drop ship to your customers?
9. Extras- Do you provided free bonuses when your customers buy your product? Are your bonuses more valuable than your competitions?
10. Guarantees- Do you have a stronger guarantee than your competition? Do you offer warranties with your product? Do you provide an easier return policy?
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